Present Perfect

<<Previous By: Richard Blazek, last updated: Monday, June 06, 2005 Next>>


have + <past particple>


Finished actions that are still important, NOT when the actions are finished.

  • I've lost my passport and credit cards (and I am just calling the police)
  • She's cut her finger (look at the blood, we must do something)
  • BUT - I lost my keys yesterday.

To give news. Often followed by past simple to give details.

  • I've had an accident. I drove into the back of another car at the roundabout.

To describe an event that happened without saying when. Often followed by past simple to give details.

  • I've been to Mallorca. I visited my brother at Christmas.
  • I've travelled to many countries. I went to Peru last year and Poland the year before that.

To describe an action that started in the past and that still continues.

  • He's lived here since June.
  • I've known John for 10 years