Áccent Business Communication is a lively consulting group set up to improve the ability of local companies to communicate in English.
We offer a wide variety of services. At the most basic level, we provide English language tuition specially tailored for business situations. To help you feel more comfortable talking and listening in English, we offer seminars in presentation techniques, negotiation skills and in understanding cultural differences. If you need to present written material to an English speaking audience then we can write the original in English for you, or polish a commercial translation. We can also create and help you launch a bilingual web site.
When approaching a new project for the introduction of New Technology to the company it is often useful to seek the services of an external and independent but trustworthy consultant. Such a person would sit in on project meetings, offer ideas and suggestions based on experience gathered over a range of similar projects and perhaps undertake a project role, especially if it involved communication with English speaking providers.
Our consultants are native English speakers who have had a lifetime's experience working in managerial positions in UK companies. Jill, who is bilingual in English and Spanish, has spent many years managing projects for universities, obtaining funding from the European Community and forging links between universities and business, particularly in the area of art and design. Richard has worked in a variety of roles in Information Technology departments of several multi-national pharmaceutical companies. We both have many contacts in the United Kingdom on whom we can call to provide any more specialized services that might be required.